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E3 2016: Was It White Guy Fest Again? Yes!


Entertainment Software Association

The British Newspaper, The Guardian asked and reported the answer: this year’s E3 was only slightly more diverse in terms of gender and race than its predecessors.

E3 (The Electronic Entertainment Expo) is the annual trade fair for the video game industry presented by the Entertainment Software Association

This is the first paragraph of The Guardian article says, “Ask five people who follow the video games industry what to expect from an E3 press conference and they’ll all paint you a similar picture. Bright lights on a big stage, lengthy cinematic trailers for shooters starring gravelly-voiced stubble-faced white men, interspersed with awkward patter from white men in suits (or, depending on the publisher, suit jackets and T-shirts and trainers), cheered and whooped at by a largely white male audience. This industry is often unwelcoming to women and underrepresented minorities, and these widely watched events do little to counter that.”

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