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Meet Oil Geologists Working in Texas, Florida, Canada, and on Native American Land

Samira Farah is a geologist with an artistic background.

Woc.Samira Farah.Geology


When Farah, who now has the title, Geologist, joined Husky Energy, based in Calgary, Canada in 2013 it was after taking a different path to a geology career than many others.

She was raised in Iran and her Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design was earned at the University of Art, Tehran in 2007. Six years later, she received her BS Degree in Petroleum Geology from The University of Calgary (U of C).

While studying geology, Farah gained experience. She interned with NAL Resources, and was a U of C Teacher Assistant in Geology. Farah joined Husky Energy, a large integrated energy company, the year she graduated and since then rose from a Petroleum Geologist to a Development Geologist to her current post.

Farah evaluates thermal projects in areas of the Alberta Oil Sands, and a heavy oil block in Calgary, Alberta’s eastern neighbor, Saskatchewan Province. See map for details.

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