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Working to Keep Mother Earth Clean

 Allena Muskett is one person with four jobs.

N.Allena Muskett.EnviEng.051916


Muskett, a member of the Navajo Nation, is an organized professional.  In 2015, she was given, by the Albuquerque, New Mexico office of Smith Engineering Company (SEC), four titles: Vice President, Water and Wastewater Team Leader, Project Manager, and Environmental Engineer.

The Licensed Professional Environmental Engineer, in New Mexico and Arizona, is a design and construction phase expert on water and wastewater infrastructure projects. Her portfolio also includes managing client relations and doing marketing and business development of public and private clients.

The US Army Reserve veteran served as a Petroleum Distribution Specialist, from 2000 to 2006, and was hired in 2004 by the Smith Engineering Company. It was only a few months after she graduated with a BS in Environmental Engineering from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Always aware of her heritage, as a student Muskett interned with the Navajo Environmental Protection Agency, and since adulthood has worked as a professional on multiple projects on, or that impact ,the Navajo Nation.

When she is not working, however, Muskett would rather run, read, hunt, fish, or hike.

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