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Environmental Specialists You Missed on Earth Day

José González believes Latinos will protect nature, if they get outdoors.


Latino Outdoors

González founded nonprofit Latino Outdoors in 2013 to “bring cultura into the outdoor narrative and connect Latino communities and leadership with nature and outdoor experiences.”

To achieve his goal, Latino Outdoors coordinates campout, hikes, cookouts, and other trips for Latino community members combining fun with environmental tips.

Gonzalez told High Country News that “Instead of thinking that people need to be educated, it’s all about engaging people around what they know already” about the natural world.

Latino Outdoors representatives are active in 14 states. The strongest groups are in Sacramento, Seattle, Los Angeles, Denver, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, San Antonio, and the north, south, and east bay communities near San Francisco.

Previously, González had been the Latino Outreach and Education Organizer with the Tuolumne River Trust.

González has an MS in Behavior Education & Communication from the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources & Environment, and a BA in Arts, History, from the University of California, Davis

Follow Latino Outdoors on Facebook, connect on Twitter @LatinoOutdoors, @JoseBililngue, @Green_Chicano, and www.josegagonzalez.com, and watch on Youtube and Vimeo.

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