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You Can Succeed in a Spectrum of IT Careers

Jennifer Argüello wants to build an innovator pipeline.

H.Jennifer Argüello.IT.Github


Argüello is her name, but girls who code was her moniker before it became a popular catchphrase. The Senior Technical Development Manager says she was just age six when she first taught herself to code.

Nowadays Argüello completes her mission to build a pipeline of innovators. She is part of senior management at GitHub, an online private and free repository hosting service.

Argüello is also thought leader on women and Latinos in STEM, and the co-founder of Latino Startup Alliance. She is an advisory board member for Globaloria, an edtech company focused on K-12 to teach computing, Silicon Valley Latino, Yes We Code, and the Kapor Center for Social Impact.

Watch Argüello talk about The Little Girl Geek Wants to Play and coding at six.

Argüello has a BS in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego.

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