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Best Cities for Hispanic Entrepreneurs

A List With Some Surprises


WalletHub.com, analyzed “the Hispanic business climate in the 150 largest U.S. cities.”

The 2016 Best Cities for Hispanic Entrepreneurs list ranks the most friendly cities for aspiring Hispanic entrepreneurs, who can be of any race. The methodology used by Wallethub is on the above link. Wallethub offers “free credit scores and full credit reports.”

The ranking, which may be a surprise to some, show the breadth of movement and willingness of Hispanics to set up businesses nationwide.

Wallethub says its analysts used 19 metrics ranging from “Hispanic entrepreneurship rate” to “median annual income of Hispanics” to “percentage of Hispanics with at least a bachelor’s degree.”

[Watch video: Stanford U Latino Entrepreneur Leaders Program]

The top ten cities:

The first five is Texas-heavy: Laredo, TX, El Paso, TX, Corpus Christi, TX, Pembroke Pines, FL, and Baton Rouge, LA.

The next five are Hialeah, FL, Brownsville, TX, Sioux Falls, SD, Tulsa, Ok, and Oklahoma, OK.

The bottom 10 out of 150 cities

They are in descending order: Vancouver, WA, Boston, Ma, Oakland, CA, Buffalo, NY, New York, NY, Newark, NJ, Philadelphia, PA, Worcester, MA, Jersey City, NJ, and Providence, RI

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