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Meet Some of McDonald’s Corporation’s STEM Skill Mavens

Sneha Jain is a font of  beneficial data science insight.

Sneha Jain.mickeyd.5.18.16 Jain was hired as the manager of Global Social Data Intelligence at the McDonald’s Corporation in 2015.

Mickey D’s talent scouts were undoubtedly attracted by the multi-category skills Jain displayed in her prior position as a Senior Associate at Mu Sigma. It provides Big Data and analytics solutions for Fortune 500 companies.

Among other responsibilities, while there, Jain led an analytics group that was involved in evaluating customer insights regarding 20 products, and created return-on-investment frameworks that use web development, listening platforms , and content tagging to follow and quantity social campaigns’ impact.

Jain received her BS Degree in Information and Communication Technology at the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar, India.

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