Great City Schools STEM Scholarship Winners

The Harris Foundation
The Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) awarded four graduating high school seniors with the 2016 ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarships.
The CGCS is an organization of the nation’s largest urban public school systems, advocating K-12 education in inner–city schools.
The annual scholarship was created by former NASA astronaut, Dr. Bernard Harris Jr., and ExxonMobil to encourage and assist promising students of diverse backgrounds who plan to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies after high school.
Bernard Harris, the first African American to walk in space, created The Harris Foundation “to invest in community-based initiatives to support education, health and wealth.”
The awards are given annually to African-American and Hispanic seniors from high schools in the 70 urban school districts represented by CGCS.
Each scholar will receive $5,000 for continued education in a STEM-related field.
This year’s award winners are:
Michael Benben, who will matriculate at Georgia Tech, attended Western High School, Broward County (FL) Public Schools.
Francesca Rafaella Dupuy, heading to the University of Florida, attended Cooper City High School, Broward County (FL) Public Schools.
Eillen Daniela Martinez, will attend Johns Hopkins University, and was graduated from Timber Creek High School, Orange County (FL) Public Schools.
Dalan Omar Smallwood, who is heading to the University of North Carolina, attended Strawberry Crest High School, Hillsborough County (FL) School District.
Thanks to BlackPRWire for alerting STEMRules about this story.