What the FCC Spectrum Auction Means for STEM. Maybe More Jobs?

Federal Communications Commission
TV broadcasters, and the federal government, which will split the revenue, are ready to reap a windfall selling unused spectrum to eager wireless carriers.
PCmag.com reports that on May 31, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will auction low-band spectrum. That spectrum, a 2015 FCC press release stated, is attractive because it “has the ability to travel for longer distances and penetrate buildings better than higher-band spectrum.”
In 2015, PCmag.com reported that the auction of 65 megahertz of spectrum in the AWS-3 band saw nearly $45 billion in bids.
Hopefully, if wireless companies gain more digital territory, they’ll need more engineering, computer science, and other STEM hires.
Tags: information technology, wireless, electrical engineers, FCC, spectrum