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Meet Oil Geologists Working in Texas, Florida, Canada, and on Native American Land

Roda Hernandez rose from entry-level to petrophysicist.

H.Roda Hernandez.Geology


Hernandez joined ConocoPhillips, a multinational energy company working in 21 countries, in 2007, as a Development Geologist. Four years later, she was promoted to Senior Geologist.

She rose again in 2012 to become a petrophysicist. Petrophysics is the study of physical and chemical rock properties and their interactions with fluids. Prior to joining ConocoPhillips full-time, she was an Operations Geologist at Petrozuata, a joint venture between Conoco Inc. and Venezuela’s Maraven SA.

The native Venezuelan received her degree in Geological Engineering, Geology from the Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela.

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