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The Chemistry and Engineering of Our Food

Tia Tabors path changed when she began to co-op and intern.

B.Tia Tabors.General Mills

Tia Tabors

Tabors is a Quality Engineer II and part of a team supporting the Yoplait brand at General Mills (GM). Her responsibilities include food safety, food quality, and meeting regulations.

Early on as chemical engineering major, she didn’t realize that working for a food company was an option.  Her opinion changed during internships upon realizing “that having a chemical engineering degree gives me the option to work in many industries including oil and gas, health care, and food.”

Prior to joining GM in 2012, in Murfreesboro, TN, Tabors interned at Eastman Chemical Company and ExxonMobil Corp.

Tabors’ friends say she is a geek for several reasons. She’s an engineer, played the clarinet and marched in high school, and says a co-worker talking about her uniform: “When you sit down, and your pants come up THAT high, you’re a geek.”

Tabors, who is getting married this summer, gets them back at board games. “I’m super competitive and I love to win.  Taboo anyone?” she says.

General Mills is a global food company with products including Cheerios, Yoli, Pillsbury, Annie’s, Betty Crocker, and Häagen-Dazs.

The member of the National Society of Black Engineers and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, received her BS in Chemical Engineering with a Biomolecular Concentration from the University of Tennessee.


Apps: Pinterest, Two Dots (a very addicting game!), and WeddingWire.

Book: The Secret Garden

Podcast: I don’t really listen to podcasts.  I get too distracted.

Movie: The Notebook and my favorite recent movie: Deadpool

Musical artist/group/song of the moment: “Perfect by OneDirection is a really good song… don’t judge”

Web sites: Facebook, and right now I am obsessed with Etsy!

Dream job?  An actress

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