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Feds Need More Cyber White Hats

Making Fed Cyber Security Work Essential to a Career


Officials at the opening of the new National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

NextGov.org reports that by 2017, the White House has declared the federal government will hire at 3,500 additional cyber security professionals.

[Watch Cybersecurity 101 video]

White House and Office of Personnel Management said in a federal blog, “The supply of cybersecurity talent to meet the increasing demand of the federal government is simply not sufficient.”

It is a “shortfall” the blog states that affects the private as well as the public sector.

The Feds are also considering setting up “a cybersecurity cadre” within the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program.

The two-year PMF is a leadership development program at the entry level for advanced degree candidates created more than 30 years by Executive Order.

Here is the PMF application, and the PMF STEM track information.

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