Shape-shifting Smart Material Can Heal Itself

WSU School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering research group.
Science Daily reports that Washington State University (WSU) researchers “have developed a unique, multifunctional smart material that uses heat or light to change shape and put itself together or take itself apart.
[Watch Shape Shifting video here. There is no audio.]
The research was done in the WSU School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering in collaboration with Orlando Rios, a Staff Research Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Rios, who received his PhD from the University of Florida, is an expert in materials processing in magnetic fields.

Orlando Rios, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
He does research at Oak Ridge in areas including the Material Science and Technology Division, Deposition Sciences and Technology group, and Electromagnetic Processing.
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by University of Tennessee-Battelle for the Department of Energy.